RADIATE: My One Word For 2015


Last year, in order to TRANSCEND, I felt obligated to get involved in every opportunity that called for educational leadership. My learning grew exponentially, but so did my time commitments. As responsibilities overlapped on my calendar, I found myself rushing (often running) to the next entry on the agenda. That pace is exhausting but necessary at crucial points in life, especially with the motivation to transcend. I am proud of my efforts, but refuse to grow complacent; I know there is much more to accomplish in 2015. Now, with an established foundation of personal and professional understanding, I have a clearer vision going forward.

2015 cordially invites me to take personal action with the following expectations: to find and branch out from my center, extend my learning, reach out, share more experiences, emanate positive energy, shine…


Autumn Splendor

In order to radiate, I first have to recognize my center–find a focal point with meaning and purpose. Identifying my center is simple, but at times when responsibilities pull me in all directions, I need a reminder of where to return for solace. I already know my central point: my family. My main purpose is to be a father to two wonderful children–to provide love, guidance, support, and opportunities to experience life. They deserve my attention.


We play, read, and learn together. We create, imagine, perceive, explore possibilities, discuss the news, ask questions, search for answers, cope with failure, and exchange thoughts with one another. And we talk. If I continue to involve my children in what I do and why I do it, they can help guide my decisions; they are central to my vision for education–their education. I must listen to and address their aspirations, confusion, fears, and needs. I am in a unique position to shape their educational world with greater impact than most parents. I refuse to waste the opportunity to advocate, not only for my children, but for all students and their parents. When we empower kids, anything is possible. Just ask Jack Johnson. He found out what it means to Radiate simply by asking a group of kids to help him create this video…

To move from one’s center requires taking action with direction. It is time to emerge, flow with thoughts, and take action to produce something useful.


This means I must continue to extend my vision and my reach, and branch out from there.

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And what greater opportunity to learn from and connect with other educators than an edcamp? Edcamp Ozaukee County is no ordinary day of professional development; it represents a personal vision turned reality for our district. After partaking in several edcamps, I feel obligated to share the experience with those who have never attended one. So, my priority as a member of our district’s Professional Learning Team, is to help plan our area’s first edcamp. Please consider attending on March 7, 2015, if you can make it to Grafton High School in southeastern Wisconsin.

edCampOZ - edCampOzaukee

Radiate: I will lead with courage and speak with confidence. I am eager to facilitate sessions about formative assessment at our upcoming district inservice and continue leading the professional discussions through #slowchatGSD, a Twitter edchat in our learning community.

IMG_1062Radiate: to send forth or emit something abstract but perceptible. I will be a source of energy: emanate light, glow with warmth, kindness, empathy, and respect.


As an educator, my words and actions are highly visible and express more lessons than I can teach in a classroom. More importantly, my children observe and emulate my every move. They are learning how to treat others, what words to use, and how to react to adversity. I determine my attitude. I choose to shine with positivity and compassion–to project goodwill toward all–regardless of whether others are watching.


To radiate, all I need is to focus on my purpose and extend rays from my source of light. I look forward to a bright 2015.


Josstyn Ray is ready for 2015!

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  1. Pingback: A Radiant Reflection 2015 | Form of the Good

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